11 men I'd love to hug other than my husband

As many of you know, about a year and a half ago I was called out of the audience at a national conference by none other than movie star Andy Garcia. He invited me to the front of the stage, in front of hundreds of conference attendees, so he could simply give me a hug. (If you missed that story—or just want to giggle about it again—you can read "On Andy Garcia and me" here.)

Now, when I met (and hugged) Mr. Garcia, I was shocked, surprised, delighted! I never, ever expected such a thing might come of my writing in a movie review of Garcia's latest film that I'd love to give the guy a hug. So if that is all it takes to get a hug from a man I admire—simply putting it down in writing for all the Internet to see—here are eleven other men I'd love to hug...and why:

men to hug

David Sedaris. He doesn't seem the hugging type, so Mr. Sedaris would likely...

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GRAND Social No. 94 plus silly syncing fun courtesy Jimmy and Paul

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I don't know about you, but despite having a soft spot in my heart for Jimmy Kimmel, I love the way Jimmy Fallon has fully — and comfortably — made The Tonight Show his own.

The following is just one of the many only-Jimmy-Fallon-could-pull-this-off bits that make me chuckle. And yet another reason why...

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