11 men I'd love to hug other than my husband

As many of you know, about a year and a half ago I was called out of the audience at a national conference by none other than movie star Andy Garcia. He invited me to the front of the stage, in front of hundreds of conference attendees, so he could simply give me a hug. (If you missed that story—or just want to giggle about it again—you can read "On Andy Garcia and me" here.)

Now, when I met (and hugged) Mr. Garcia, I was shocked, surprised, delighted! I never, ever expected such a thing might come of my writing in a movie review of Garcia's latest film that I'd love to give the guy a hug. So if that is all it takes to get a hug from a man I admire—simply putting it down in writing for all the Internet to see—here are eleven other men I'd love to hug...and why:

men to hug

David Sedaris. He doesn't seem the hugging type, so Mr. Sedaris would likely be so very uncomfortable at the prospect that he'd say something hilarious—and I love his inimitable sense of humor nearly as much as I love hugs.

Jimmy Fallon. What a guy. Is there anyone hotter (or more huggable) than Jimmy right now?

Chris Cornell. Well, there is someone hotter than Jimmy: Chris Cornell.

Tim Tebow. Not only did he entice me to finally closely follow the Broncos—my home team for 40+ years—he's an all-around good kid who deserves a hug for all he does for others off the field.

Morgan Spurlock. Coolest, wittiest, goofiest guy ever. Ever.

Jimmy Kimmel. Pretty much the second coolest, wittiest, goofiest guy ever.

Brian Williams. Despite how he's broken my heart, I think my favorite newsman just plain needs a hug.

Jeff Bridges. There's more to the The Dude than dudeness; he's an advocate for feeding hungry kids—a cause close to my heart.

One (or both) of the Colins. Firth or Farrell, that would be. What woman wouldn't want to give either a hug?

Pharrell Williams. He simply makes me happy! He makes a lot of others happy, too.

Ya know... while I have the Internet's ear, I'll add Meryl Streep to the list. She certainly seems like she'd give the very best hugs of all. Or is that assumption just further proof of her amazing acting ability? I prefer to think not; a hug from the surely warm and wonderful woman will prove not.

So c'mon, magical Internet! I'm counting on you to help me obtain that proof.

Or at least a hug or two.

Today's question:

Whom would you like to hug other than your spouse or partner?