Here and now: May 14, 2015

Yessiree, this is my life, right here and now...

here and now 

On my mind...

My incredible daughters. I don't say often enough how truly and deeply appreciative I am of their love and kindness. My heart's puffed up with love for all three today as I consider how fortunate I am to call them my girls.


This list of activities I've planned to do with my grandsons during my desert visit, to ensure I've not forgotten anything.

activity list 


I've watched this over and over during the past week. I even found the lyrics and printed them out so I could sing along with Jimmy, Blur, and the gang.


Working on...

Packing my grandma bag with all the stuff for the activities on the list above. Plus books. And games. And goodies galore. (I think I need a bigger bag.)

Listening to...

Hummingbirds. Jim and I think there's a nest or two of them out front (which my study/office windows are near) and the feeder is out back, so the humming of the little guys zooming to and fro has been nonstop for several days. Love it!

Looking forward to...

How could I say anything but time with my grandsons!? Date of departure? Tomorrow! 

The last photo I took...

(on my phone) This Alstroemeria that's one of the many in the lovely bouquet of roses Megan and her family sent me for Mother's Day. (Excuse the misspelling below; rushed and realized it later!)


Today's question:

Tell me about your here and now!