Here and now: July 29, 2016

This is what's up in my life... and an answer to why I've not been posting much "real writing" here on the blog.

clock and book

On my mind...

How to cheer up Jim after learning yesterday he is "not yet ready for prime time" after his foot surgery, according to his podiatrist. Meaning, he still cannot bear weight on his right foot. Meaning, he has yet another week left using crutches. Meaning, he must still sleep downstairs, must still go in the back door at work where they have a handicapped ramp for him to hobble up instead of the stairs at the front door, must still have me drive him to work where I drop him off at that back door and pick him up from it eight hours later (or when he has doctor appointments).

podiatrist sign

We both are more than ready for his our independence day. Crossing our fingers that will be next Thursday.


I have been doing too much reading because I'm absolutely pooped by the time I finish all the work that goes into caring for Jim and the animals and our way-too-big-for-just-the-two-of-us house and yard. That said, I'm about halfway through with Risa Nye's memoir, There Was A Fire Here, (that is NOT an affiliate link) and absolutely adore the way she writes.

there was a fire here memoir 


Jim and I binge watched Stranger Things last weekend. It's a very strange — and intriguing and enjoyable and unique — original series on Netflix. Check it out:


Working on...

Getting out of jury duty on Tuesday. I've always wanted to be picked for jury duty. Each time it comes around, though, something happens. First time, the jury pool was tainted by this wacky gadfly here in town who passed out fliers to all prospective jurors and made the court shut down for the day. Second time, I was in the throes of my MS nibbling on my brain in debilitiating ways and begged to be let go for the day as I truly could not think clearly... or keep from crying. Now this, the third time, I'm unable to be gone for a day or more as I'm responsible for Jim's daily IV meds and more.

I didn't ask to be excused, just for my day to be postponed. Of course, no one answered the number provided when I called so I simply left a message (and sent an email and completed the online postponement request form) and must await official word I'm excused from appearing Tuesday.

Maybe the fourth time will be a charm and I'll get full jury duty and get to see how such things work. (As long as it's not a horrendous crime that my heart can't handle.)

Looking forward to...

My youngest daughter's wedding. Andie and Matt have chosen to wed on Monday, August 8. And unforgettable day because 8 + 8 = 16, they say. It's a Monday. It's in just a tad over a week. It's to be held at the Denver Courthouse with fun stuff to follow. I look forward to their nuptials. And I look forward to Megan visiting from the desert (sans my grandsons or son-in-law) for the festivities.

The last photo I took...

The last photo I took was of Jim's foot at the podiatrist yesterday morning, documenting the improvement. He would die if I showed you that. You would likely puke if I showed you that.

So I'll show you this instead: a full and double rainbow I saw when Jim and I were leaving the restaurant last week after celebrating Brianna and Patrick's "wedding" of sorts. I screwed up the panoramic shot, though, so I'll share the two I took of both ends of the rainbow.

double rainbow half of full rainbow

It's been a crazy time here in the Carpenter household lately. Perhaps by the next time I post a Here and Now, the here and the now will be a tad less chaotic.

Today's question:

What's happening in your here and now?