Word of the day: Artistry

Today's word is... ARTISTRY

Definition of artistry (per Dictionary.com):

[ahr-ti-stree] noun

1. artistic workmanship, effect, or quality. 2. artistic ability.

Artistry on display:

Brayden and his "Op-Art Flag" entry in the school art show, March 2018.

Brayden and his "Op-Art Flag" entry in the school art show, March 2018.

Camden and his "chalk landscape" entry in the school art show, March 2018.

Camden and his "chalk landscape" entry in the school art show, March 2018.

And then there's little bro Declan, a piece of work of a whole 'nother sort.

And then there's little brother Declan, a piece of work of a whole other sort.