Wherein my grandson stocks my refrigerator for the holidays

My eldest grandson's generous spirit never fails to impress me.

When Bubby visited a few weeks ago, he took one look at Gramma and PawDad's refrigerator and realized we needed a little something to get us through the holiday season.

So he set about stocking our fridge.

drawings on fridge

As you can see, Bubby provided a drawing for each of the upcoming major holidays, to keep our fridge stocked with celebratory images for Halloween, Thanksgiving ("gobl, gobl," says the turkey) and Christmas.

Bubby's generosity and awesome artistic ability will keep our fridge — and our hearts — full right up until the ringing in of the New Year.

Cheers to my endlessly grand grandkid noticing a need and filling it!

Today's question:

What currently adorns your refrigerator?