The last time I saw my grandsons

The last time I saw my grandsons, there was light and love and a warm heart unrelated to the heat of the desert.

There were introductions.

introducing baby 

And Legos.

Lego play with Grandpa 

And Flashlight Friends, too.

flashlight friends 

There were Batman dives.

batman pool 

And bubbles.

boys blowing bubbles 

And baby love galore.

family loves baby 

The last time I saw my grandsons, there was park time.

park ride 

Movie time.

movies with kids 

Nap time.

nap time 

And swing time with smiles.

baby smiles

There were chlorine-scented hugs.

swimming pool time 

Sounds of giggles and goofiness.

goofy grandsons 

And celebratory sweets to savor.


The last time I saw my grandsons, there was faith.


There was hope.


There was love.



brotherly love


loving baby brother


grandparents and grandsons

The last time I saw my grandsons, there was sorrow in parting.

Yet there was unbridled joy in knowing that the last time I saw my grandsons would not be the last time.

Today's question:

When did you last see your grandchildren?