On life and not just getting through

On life and not just getting through


Not long ago, I realized I repeat myself. Again and again and again. The same phrase.

Lest you think I’ve developed a tic, let me explain. 

Mid-summer last year, I faced some medical challenges. Despite the distress, I still had to maintain my home, my family, my connections, and — most time-consuming of all — my freelance job (you don’t work, you don’t get paid). I began noticing I’d accomplish each...

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Picture this: A little perspective

Last Thursday morning as I did my best to keep my wits about me while preparing to leave for BlogHer '13, I received a last-minute text message from Megan. It was the following photo of Mac — a reminder to breathe and not take stressful conference-attending matters too seriously.

silly boy

It worked. Seriously, how could it not?

Today's question:

What child most recently made you smile... and how?