Jak sports a 'stache

I'm not sure whether to attribute it to his determination to keep up with his two older brothers or to the limited amount of time I've had with Jak in his toddler years compared to how often I saw Bubby and Mac in theirs. But — gee whiz! — it sure seems to me my youngest grandson is maturing So. Much. Faster. than his brothers did.

A recent share from Megan confirms my assertion: The not yet three-year-old already sports a mustache.

toddler mustache with pudding

Okay, okay. You got me. It's obviously not...

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Grand giggles and GRAND Social No. 83 link party for grandparents

link party

My daughter Megan, mother to my two grandsons, celebrated her 30th birthday over the weekend. Mac being the goofball that he is, he provided what Megan called "the birthday dinner entertainment."

Megan shared that birthday entertainment with me — which I just had to share with you, to start your week off with...

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Picture this: A little perspective

Last Thursday morning as I did my best to keep my wits about me while preparing to leave for BlogHer '13, I received a last-minute text message from Megan. It was the following photo of Mac — a reminder to breathe and not take stressful conference-attending matters too seriously.

silly boy

It worked. Seriously, how could it not?

Today's question:

What child most recently made you smile... and how?

Gigglin' good fun

It's been a rough week for a lot of us in a lot of different ways. But we did it. We made it to Friday. Hip-hip hooray!

I say it's time for some giggles. The gut-busting giggles that can come only from little ones at play.

Is there any more delightful sound to carry us into the weekend with a smile? I don't think so.

Cheers to Friday! Cheers to giggles with good buddies!

Today's question:

What kind of gigglin' good fun do you have on this weekend's agenda?