12 ways grandparents can be everyday mentors

12 ways grandparents can be everyday mentors

grandparents as mentors

January is National Mentoring Month. The National Mentoring Month website provides oodles of information and plenty of reasons why mentoring matters, noting that — to name just a few — kids with mentors:

  • have better school attendance, better attitudes about school and a better chance of going on to higher education;
  • are 46 percent less likely than their peers to start using illegal drugs and 27 percent less likely to start drinking...
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50 areas where grandmas should know at least one thing

50 areas where grandmas should know at least one thing

Much as we'd like to or we pretend to, grandmas can't know everything.

If we simply know at least one thing, though, from each of the following areas, we'll know more than enough to fully connect with—and impress!—our grandchildren of any age.

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