Grandma success!

Grandma success!

As a grandma, you know you’re onto something when after engaging in an activity with a grandkiddo, he or she says, “We should do this every time!”

Well, I believe I’m onto something as Declan, my five-year-old long-distance grandson, declared exactly that during a recent FaceTime visit he and I had.

My success revolved around …

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Wherein Grandma's FaceTime game's gone weak

Wherein Grandma's FaceTime game's gone weak

Megan and I have been on opposite schedules of late, especially in terms of scheduling a FaceTime rendezvous with my grandsons. She and the boys are busy with the start of the school year and all that goes along with that as well as baseball for Brayden and flag football for Camden. I've been busy building a better blog.

When Camden sent me a spidorpion in the mail, then Brayden followed a few days later with kiddo correspondence to Gramma of his own, I knew a few minutes of FaceTime to thank each for their snail mail was out of the question. So upon receiving Camden's mail, I sent Megan a text message video to and for Cam. I did the same

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FaceTime milestone, plus GRAND Social No. 123 link party

FaceTime milestone

I was telling my husband just the other day that one of the things about living in an empty nest is that time often seems to just go on and on as it's no longer marked by milestones delineating the months and years. The parenthood calendar revolves around things such as kids reaching those all-important ages, such as 16, 18, and 21. Or learning to drive, attending homecomings, celebrating graduations, and so much more.

baby FaceTime 

As a grandparent of young...

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FaceTime and GRAND Social link party No. 109


Does this ever get old? Do long-distance grandparents ever get tired of connecting with grandkids on FaceTime? Or Skype? Or Google+ hangouts or any other high-tech ways we have of staying in touch?

FaceTime with grandchildren

I think not. Not even when...

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Grandmas don't get breaks on speeding tickets, plus other lessons learned

Four things I learned this week

gavelGrandmas don't get breaks on speeding tickets: A few weeks ago, as I raced out of town on my way to Denver for a film festival screening, I was pulled over by a motorcycle cop and given a ticket. I admit I was speeding, so I didn't cry in hopes of getting out of the ticket (as I probably should have, considering I've had a clean driving record since 1993). My ticket was $90 and a $15 filing fee; my court date was scheduled for this past week or I could pay the ticket by mail.

"Don't pay it by mail!" is the adamant advice from those who've been there, done that. "You gotta go to court. It'll reduce the charge!" So I went to court Wednesday. My ticket wasn't reduced. In fact, $25 more was added to the fees to cover court costs. I was not happy. I did cry this time... in the car... after paying the freakin' fee.

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