BBC-Dallas: A cute kids and conference quotes wrap up mashup

I am a blogger. And I am a grandma. The role of blogger and the role of grandma are huge parts of who I am — though not all of who I am, by any means.

As a blogger, I can never have too many tips that help me succeed; as a grandma I can never have too many pictures of my grandsons that help me smile. Today I thought I'd meld the two: combine highlights of my recent Bloggy Boot Camp experience with highlighted photos I recently took of my grandsons.

Consider this a BBC-Dallas wrap up like no other — the ultimate cute kids and conference quotes wrap up mashup.

Bloggy Boot Camp: Brand Edition, which I attended free thanks to winning the conference prize package from The SITS Girls, was two days jam-packed with technical and inspirational information from successful women and men who've been there, done that in the digital world.

The technical stuff would require, well, attending a conference to get the full benefit. The inspirational stuff is a little easier to digest out of context, so that's what I share in this wrap up (with a wee bit o' tech thrown in just for you). Some are direct quotes, some are just nuggets of truth, all are surrounded by a few fave photos of Bubby and Mac taken during my visit to their world last month.

boys and iPad 

Every post must start with a story, must be something that resonates. — Danielle Smith on the brand/blogger relationship.

little boy waiting

"Under promise and over deliver." — Allison Talamantez on the brand/blogger relationship.

 boy on rock

Less perfect = more approachable. — Lisa Leonard on top tips for Instagram.

brothers at battle 

Get paid in ways that will further you. If not being paid in money, ask for a recommendation on LinkedIn. — Tiffany Romero on working with brands.

 boy after batting

"Where you put your attention is where you get your results." — Tiffany Romero on blogging — and all areas of life.

leftie t-ball player 

Be who you are, be authentic. Brands want the real you and your voice. — Danielle Smith on working with brands.

boys licking baking bowls

"Give up the good to go for the great." — Tiffany Romero on choosing sponsored post campaigns wisely.

boys licking bowls

Going on Google+ goes Internet wide; other social media platforms keep posts only in that platform. — Lynette Young on utilizing the unmatched power of Google+.

messy face boy 

"If people aren't as excited about your success as you, they don't belong in your life." — Lisa Leonard

 messy face boy

"I don't know the key to success but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." — Bill Cosby (shared by Tiffany Romero)

waiting at batting practice 

"Look at yourself as big as you can possibly imagine — then think bigger." — Fawn Weaver on securing a book deal... and succeeding in general.

relaxing toddler 

"Sunglight is your best friend." — Courtney Slazinik on taking fabulous photos.

boy on patio 

"Stay you. Do you. And know what you is." — Tiffany Romero on finding success.

boys at baseball field 

"Live your life as the woman you want your daughter to become." — Tiffany Romero and Danielle Smith on powering down.

Grandma and grandsons

Want to know more about Bloggy Boot Camp? Visit the Bloggy Boot Camp website.

What to know more about the classy and comfortable fashions I wore at Bloggy Boot Camp? Visit Ming Wang Knits, who provided the conference wear free for my review.*

Want to know about the adorable boys in the photos above? No need to visit anywhere, as you're already in the right place.

*Yes, free to review and reveal my genuine thoughts. This is the "full disclosure" part.

Today's question:

What is your go-to quote for inspiration and motivation?