3 things I learned this week: The good, the not-so-good and the 'Breaking Bad'

Good Thing No. 1:

It was announced this week that Allegiant is once again offering flights from my place to (near) my grandsons' place. Twice a week. For pretty darn cheap prices, even figuring in the cost of paying to lug my Grandma Bag with me when I visit.

grandma and grandsonsThat's great news considering my third grandson will be born in June and I'll be visiting soon after his birth. Also great news because that makes it a tad easier (and possibly cheaper) to visit all of my grandsons — and my daughter and son-in-law — a little more often and vice-versa.

Not-So-Good Thing No. 1:

The inexpensive introductory flights from here to there must be purchased by Tuesday. Not knowing exactly when Grandbaby No. 3 will make his grand entry into the world makes booking a flight not-so-wise at this time. Ancillary not-so-good thing: Allegiant has scheduled a seasonal break of some sort (??) for late August through October, meaning they will not offer the flights between here and there during the time my daughter planned to bring my grandsons to visit PawDad and me.

Good Thing No. 2:

I received my "official" invite this week from AARP Member Advantages to attend the Life@50+ Event in Boston in May, all expenses paid. This isn't just a good thing, it's a great thing, and I'm so honored they invited me. This time, Life@50+ will feature speakers such as Whoopi Goldberg, Jay Leno and Captain Phillips. Plus, there's a tour of Boston on the agenda. I've never been to Boston. Neither has my husband, so the fact he plans to attend Life@50+ too — not on AARP Member Advantages' dime — makes this good thing an extra great thing.

Not-So-Good Thing No. 2:

I had hoped to see some good friends at Life@50+ but it appears none of them can be there. Not Ruth, not Lois, not Cathy nor Helene. Not even Mindy, who lives in Boston and who I thought for sure I'd see but she has an out-of-state family event to attend. Well, at least I thoroughly enjoy the other bloggers who will be attending with the AARP Member Advantages group. (And if any of you are going to Life@50+, I'd be happy to see you there. Just let me know!)

Good Thing No. 3:

zuchonI took care of my granddoggy Luke for a few days this week while his mama, my daughter Andrea, took a road trip to Albuquerque. That was a great thing because Luke is a cutie (and being a Zuchon — Bichon Frise and Shi Tzu — he's a far different critter than my Mickey and Lyla). The good thing I'm mentioning here is that as a token for the fine care I provided my granddoggy, Andrea brought home Breaking Bad donuts (plus a growler of beer) for Gramma and PawDad to enjoy. Yes, Andie did a tour of Breaking Bad sites while in the city where it was filmed.

Breaking Bad donuts 

breaking bad house

The blue-crystal (candy) topped donuts were to die for. They were a very, very good thing.

Not-So-Good Thing No. 3:

Those very, very good Breaking Bad donuts had more than 300 very, very bad calories. Each. A not-good-at-all thing for my efforts to lose weight. As all things Breaking Bad are, the donuts were truly irresistable despite being so very, very bad.

Good thing the donut place that sells them is hundreds and hundreds of miles from my home, otherwise I just might find myself addicted. And that would be a very, very bad thing indeed.

Today's question:

What did you learn this week — good, not so good, or downright bad?