Thursday triple-play: Getting crafty

I'm not the most crafty of grandmas. I used to enjoy making things from scratch, sewing up this and that, trying my hand at crochet and paper mâché and more.

Long and involved do-it-yourself projects no longer appeal to me, though. So I tend to go for crafts and homemade gifts that are relatively simple, don't require a whole heckuva lot of know-how and nimbleness. 

I've shared a few such simple projects here on my blog in the past — a couple I created myself as well as a guest post or two with the how-to instructions from folks more crafty than I. As the holidays loom and crafty grandmothers and others are getting going on the gifts they plan to make for their loved ones, I thought I'd once again share my favorite DIY gift ideas from past posts.

easy homemade holiday gifts

PILLOW CHAISE FOR KIDS (lower right photo). This turned out to be so simple — with very little sewing involved — and so beloved by Bubby and Mac. It seems to be beloved by others, as well, as this post is the most popular post ever on Grandma's Briefs. Details and how-tos can be found here: How to make a pillow chaise for children.

FAMILY PHOTO FRAME (lower left photo). I created these photo display frames for my three daughters a while back. They loved them. I made ones that say FRIENDS as well. I think I threw in a LOVE one or two, too. Again, super simple crafting. Find the details here: FAMILY photo frame: A crafty craft for the non-crafty.

PUZZLE PHOTO FRAME (upper right photo). This crafty gift came to me by way of a guest post. I've not made it, but I plan to for Jak for Christmas (shh... don't tell!). Bonus of this post: There's a nifty snowman sweatshirt craft included. (Perhaps I'll make those for Bubby and Mac for Christmas. As desert-dwellers, it's likely the only snowmen they'll see.) Get the scoop on the snowman and puzzle frame here: Two holiday crafts for kids.

Happy crafting!

An unrelated yet interesting (I thought) postscript: I originally planned to title this post "Thursday Three-peat" since I was repeating posts from the past. I thought that was a catchy title. But... did you know that "three-peat" is trademarked and copyrighted and fully unusable by anyone but Pat Riley, former coach of the NBA's Lakers? Seriously. Wikipedia says so. Good thing I checked first; I wouldn't want to be taken to task — or court — by Mr. Riley, who rained on my parade, er, post.

Today's question:

What percentage of your holiday gifts do you plan to make this year?