Saturday movie review: The Letters

I can't imagine there's an adult out there who doesn't know Mother Teresa, the inimitable humanitarian and recipient of the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize for her endless charitable work caring for, comforting, and loving the sick and poor. Regardless of one's faith (or absence of), Mother Teresa — full name Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, MC — is universally admired for her compassion and kindness, particularly for the underprivileged.

Many folks know Mother Teresa was a Roman Catholic nun and missionary who founded the Missionaries of Charity, a religious congregation that caters to the poor in more than 133 countries. Many may also know that after multiple illnesses, Mother Teresa died in 1997 and that soon after her death, the process of beatification and canonization began to have her named as a saint.

The Letters film

THE LETTERS, a compelling drama about Mother Teresa's life, is based on documents...

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Weekend movie review: The 33

Most folks recall that in 2010, thirty-three miners were trapped for an excruciating — for themselves as well as their families — 69 days in a collapsed mine in Chile. Most folks recall the miraculous ending to the ordeal, too.

Knowing how the story plays out detracts not one bit from the drama of THE 33, the film based on the inspirational story.

the 33 movie poster 

Director Patricia Riggen did an impressive job bringing to life the miners' horrifying ordeal, based on a screenplay by Miko Alanne and Craig Borten. And the actors portraying the miners, their families, and the men who worked diligently to free the men from their potential grave 200 stories...

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