29 holiday jokes for kids

29 holiday jokes for kids

'Tis the season of joy, and there's no more joyful sound than that of children's laughter. Share these jokes with your favorite kiddos to elicit some of that joyful noise this merry time of year.

 holiday jokes for kids

Where do snowmen keep their money?
In a snow bank.

What do you call a...

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Spooky science experiments plus GRAND Social link party No. 76

With only a few days left until Halloween, it's time to squeeze in a bit more holiday fun with the kids before the creepy occasion has come and gone.

I received some Halloween treats from Kiddie Academy and with their permission, I'm sharing one with you today. It's a booklet of Spooky Science experiments using items you likely have around the house. Click on the following graphic to access the .pdf file (you'll need the free Adobe reader), then print it — or save to your computer — and try one or more  of the Halloween-themed experiments with the kids at your place.

Because my grandsons are far away, I've not tried these experiments with them, so please do share your success stories with me once you sample the spooky science fun with your kiddos. Enjoy!

Time now for GRAND Social No. 76. Thank you for participating!

link party

How it works:

  • All grandparent bloggers are invited to add a link. You don't have to blog specifically about grandparenting, just be a grandparent who blogs.
  • To link up a post, copy the direct URL to the specific post — new or old — that you want to share, not the link to your blog's home page. Then click the blue button marked with "Add your link" below and follow the directions.
  • You can add up to three posts, but no duplicates, contests, giveaways, or Etsy sites, please.
  • Adding a mention such as This post linked to the GRAND Social to your linked posts is appreciated. Or, you can post the GRAND Social button anywhere on your page using the following code:


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  • The GRAND Social linky is open for new posts through Wednesday evening, so please come back to see those added after your first visit.

  • If you're not a blogger, you have the pleasure of being a reader. Bloggers who link up would be honored to have one and all — other bloggers as well as readers — visit, read and, if so moved, comment, even if just a "Hey, stopping by from the GRAND Social."


47 Halloween jokes to make kids howl

Time again for another round of holiday jokes. This time, it's horrific Halloween howlers to share with the kids — or easily, cheesily amused adults.

halloween jokes for kids

Why did the vampire need mouthwash?

Because he had bat breath

What is a mummy’s favorite type of music?


When does a skeleton laugh?

When something tickles his funny bone

What do goblins and ghosts drink when they're hot and thirsty on Halloween?


What's a monster's favorite bean?

A human bean

Why are vampires tough to get along with?

Because they can be a pain in the neck

Where do ghosts like to dance?

Anywhere where they can boo-gie

Why didn't the skeleton dance at the party?

He had no body to dance with

Where do ghosts go when they're sick?

To the witch doctor

Why didn't the mummy have any friends?

Because he was too wrapped up in himself

What position does a ghost play in soccer?


What are a ghost's favorite pants?

Boo jeans

What instrument do skeletons play?


Why is a ghost such a messy eater?

Because he is always a goblin

What do you call a goblin who gets too close to a bonfire?

A toasty ghosty

What was the favorite game at the ghosts' birthday party?

Hide and shriek

What do the birds sing on Halloween?

Trick or tweet

What are ghosts' favorite kind of streets?

Dead ends

What do you call a haunted chicken?

A poultry-geist

Why don't bats live alone?

They like to hang out with their friends

What do ghosts eat for breakfast?


What's it like to be kissed by a vampire?

It's a pain in the neck

When is it bad luck to meet a black cat?

When you’re a mouse

What food do vampires hate?


How do you fix a broken Jack-o-lantern?

With a pumpkin patch

Why are cemeteries loud?

Because of all the coffin

Why did the vampire go to the doctor?

To ask about his coffin

Why did the vampire flunk art class?

Because he could only draw blood

What can't you give the headless horseman?

A headache

Where should a 500-pound monster go?

On a diet

What's a ghost’s favorite dessert?

Boo-berry pie

What's a monster’s favorite desert?


What type of dog does every vampire have?


What did the skeleton order for dinner?

Spare ribs

What do you call a skeleton who won't work?

Lazy bones

Why do witches ride brooms?

Vacuum cleaners get stuck at the end of the cord

What do you call a witch's garage?

A broom closet

What do you call two witches living together?


What is a witch's favorite subject in school?


Why won't skeletons go see scary movies?

They don't have the guts

Who are some of the werewolves cousins?

The whatwolves, the whowolves and the whenwolves

Why didn't the zombie go to school?

He felt rotten

Why did the cyclops stop teaching?

Because he only had one pupil

Where do vampires keep their money?

The blood bank

What is a vampire's favorite fruit?

A neck-tarine

How did the ghost say goodbye to the vampire?

So long, sucker

What did the grandma ghost say to the grandson ghost?

You are the most booooooooo-tiful thing I have ever seen!

Today's question:

When did you last dress up for Halloween (and what were you)?

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...in the desert

I'm originally from Minnesota and have lived the past nearly 40 years in Colorado. Fairly snowy states come winter time. Which means, for me, holiday time means snow time. Maybe not necessarily on Christmas Day, but at least a few snowflakes here and there in the weeks leading up to the big day.

My grandsons live in the desert. Despite singing beloved Christmas carols mentioning the fluffy white goodness and enjoying craftivities featuring snowmen in all their glory, Bubby and Mac are not all that familiar with snow itself. They simply don't see it at their place.

Determined to not let geography, meteorology and such stand in the way of Bubby and Mac enjoying some snow play, I packed and brought along a little snow to share with them during my visit this week. Not real snow, of course, but artificial snow. Snow in Seconds, to be precise.

True to its name, within seconds of mixing the powder with water, we had snow. And then the fun kicked into high gear.

Sure, it's not the real stuff. But until I figure out a way to pack the real stuff in my handy dandy grandma bag, it will certainly do.

Today's question:

How likely is it you'll have snow at your place come Christmas Day?