Saturday movie review: Infinitely Polar Bear

Two of the most important commitments we make in our lives can be the most challenging to uphold. Those being vowing to remain with a spouse for better or for worse and committing to placing the needs of children ahead of our own wants and needs. Such commitments become even more of a challenge when mental illness is a factor, as is the case in INFINTELY POLAR BEAR.

Infinitely Polar Bear

INFINITELY POLAR BEAR is an autobiographical tale from the perspective of a young teen in the '70s whose bipolar father (Mark Ruffalo as Cam Stuart) and black mother...

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Saturday movie review: Twinsters

When it comes to book selections, I typically read a couple novels then alternate with a non-fiction of some sort, usually from the biography, memoir, or essay categories.

I do the same with movies. I watch a few dramas then feel the need to balance out the fiction with something real, some sort of documentary. As I recently watched and reviewed THE REVENANT, CONCUSSION, and JOY (funny that they were all dramas based on true stories, right?), I found myself craving a documentary this week.


The winner of my scroll through Netflix Streaming was TWINSTERS, an autobiographical film about a twenty-something Korean gal named Samantha who lived in California and, in a bizarre twist...

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Saturday movie review: 'Wild'

Let me first say, I have not read Cheryl Strayed's book, Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail, upon which the movie WILD is based. So you won't find here any comparisons of the book to the movie WILD

Wild movie poster

For those who, like me, somehow failed to read Strayed's best-selling book, WILD is the true story...

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