Flashback: 10 signs of aging gracefully

Flashback: 10 signs of aging gracefully

Dear readers: This piece on the secret to aging gracefully originally appeared on Grandma’s Briefs on March 24, 2013. Six years later, the signs still resonate with me. I hope they do with you, too. Thank you for reading my rerun.

When it comes to aging gracefully, forget the face creams, hair colors and exercises — the physical manifestations others see as we rack up the years. Instead, I prefer to focus on a different kind of trait that others see, one I think trumps the physical when considering how gracefully others are aging and how gracefully I'm aging myself.

That trait? It's attitude. For, as age is just…

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10 signs of aging gracefully

When it comes to aging gracefully, forget the face creams, hair colors and exercises — the physical manifestations others see as we rack up the years. Instead, I prefer to focus on a different kind of trait that others see, one I think trumps the physical when considering how gracefully others are aging and how gracefully I'm aging myself.

That trait? It's attitude. For, as age is just a number, aging gracefully is just an attitude.

So when it comes to having the right attitude as I age, I look to the signs. Signs such as the following ten, which remind me of what’s important, what I need to remember as I attempt to age gracefully... as well as graciously, intentionally, hopefully.

Sign No. 10:

key to aging gracefully

Sign No. 9:

key to aging gracefully

Sign No. 8:

key to aging gracefully

Sign No. 7:

key to aging gracefully

Sign No. 6:

key to aging gracefully

Sign No. 5:

key to aging gracefully

Sign No. 4:

key to aging gracefully

Sign No. 3:

key to aging gracefully

Sign No. 2:

key to aging gracefully

And the No. 1 sign of aging gracefully, the one I do my best to live by, day in and day out:

key to aging gracefully

Today's question:

What does aging gracefully mean to you?