Saturday movie review: St. Vincent

I have to be honest: I avoided seeing the comedy ST. VINCENT in the theater and refrained from adding it to my Netflix queue because it stars Melissa McCarthy. Now, I adore Ms. McCarthy, but I've grown weary of her recent roles, the ones where she's tough, wacky, and trash-talking yet sympathetic and sweet at her core. The act was funny the first time around, but she's so much better than that.

St. Vincent film

Then I started seeing numerous positive reviews and could no longer resist watching. So I added ST. VINCENT to my Netflix queue and hoped for the best. An email from one of my favorite fellow grandmas...

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Saturday movie review: 'The Sapphires'

My husband and I scanned Netflix streaming the other night, in search of something uplifting and fun yet unrelated to the holidays. We happened upon THE SAPPHIRES, a 2012 film I had heard great things about but that we never had the opportunity to see in theaters here in Colorado, where the mountains are high, the skies are blue... and the independent film scene is dismal. 

Thank heavens for streaming movies, for THE SAPPHIRES turned out to be one serendipitous and soulful find.

The Sapphires

The film is an Australian musical dramedy loosely...

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