Super simple DIY gift: Coffee Hand Scrub

Grandmothers and others who regularly deal with those germ-filled critters we call children wash their hands a lot. Even folks who don't interact with kiddos often wash their hands a lot. Or so I hope, considering all the crud out there of late. Crud that the passing along of can be cut down on by washing one's hands. Often.

With all that handwashing going on, we're a nation with dry hands. Mine certainly are. Which is why I love this easy-to-make and delicious-smelling hand scrub that I learned of while working on this campaign with Febreze. I made it, fell in love with it, shared it with a couple folks already. Who equally loved it and asked for the recipe.

So here I am sharing the recipe. It's a simple and inexpensive one. And it makes a super gift for all sorts of giving occasions — teacher gifts, hostess gifts, thank you gifts, stocking stuffers, Secret Santa surprises. It even makes for a great time for grandmothers to make with grandkiddos for giving to their mothers and others.

Bonus: One batch is just a smidgen too much for one container, which means there's plenty left over for you to use for softening your own hands when you're done. It works equally well to soften your feet, too. (Yes, I did sit on the edge of the bathtub and try it. Never have my feet smelled so delicious or felt so smooth.) 


What you need:

1/2 cup ground coffee

1/2 cup white sugar

1/4 cup melted coconut oil (find in the grocery aisle near shortening and oils)

1/2 tablespoon nutmeg

1/2 tablespoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

8 ounce Mason jar or other airtight container

What you do:

In small bowl, combine all the dry ingredients. Add coconut oil and vanilla, stirring and smooshing to combine well. Spoon into the Mason jar, squishing down with spoon to really pack it in. Seal tightly. 

Add a note with directions for recipient:

With dry hands, rub a small amount (no more than a tablespoon) all over hands for a minute or so then rinse thoroughly. Keep jar sealed between uses.

Makes one yummy smelling gift (plus a bit left over for your own hands. Or feet).

This post shared in Inspire Us Thursday link party.

Today's question:

How do you drink your coffee (black or otherwise)?