So hard to wait

Why are Megan and Mac so sad?

sad mom and sad son

It can't be because Megan must wait forever before seeing her Mom and Dad.

And it can't be because Mac won't get to hug Gramma and PawDad for eons.

No, it's not that at all, for Megan and Mac need not wait long for either of those things.

In fact, they have to wait just one month.


Because PawDad and I have tickets to visit Megan and Mac — and Bubby and Preston, too — in just one month!

boys imitating dino

Yes, it's true!

No need for shocked faces. No need for sad faces.

Just happy faces.

Like these...

boys with backward caps

Faces PawDad and I will get to see in person.

In just one month.

Oh, it is so hard to wait.

(So what were Megan and Mac really so sad about? A 45-minute wait in line to see mechanical dinos. Dinos with big mouths and big teeth, as Bubby and Mac demonstrate in the big-mouthed boys photo above.)

Today's question:

What are you finding it hard to wait for?