Saturday movie review: Summer hiatus

As summer hits full stride, the Saturday movie reviews here on Grandma's Briefs will come to a halt. At least for the summer.

movie screen

I'll be spending more time outdoors than in front of screens big and small, so I'm taking a break from publishing Saturday posts — on movies or anything else. Saturday posts will return as summer winds down.

That said, if I happen to see an amazing film I can't wait until fall to tell you about, you'll find my recommendations on Facebook, Twitter or Google+. (You are following Grandma's Briefs in at least one of those spots, aren't you?) Plus, my previous movie reviews can be found here any time.

And, of course, you'll still find new posts here Monday through Friday, so I hope to see you then!

Enjoy your Saturday!

Today's question:

What's on your agenda for today?