Muggin' it up

My grandsons get plenty of goodies from the Easter Bunny at their house at Easter time, so I didn't dare attempt competing with Mr. EB when considering what to send Bubby, Mac, and Jak for the holiday. I had to send them something, though, as a simple token of love from Gramma and PawDad on special occasions is a must.

So I sent them silly little mugs with straws in the handles from the dollar store, filled with enough sour worms, sour jelly beans, and other soury sweetness to last them a week or so.

Or an afternoon. Depending.

I thought the boys would appreciate the unusual mugs labeled with their names... and the sour candy. The pics Megan texted once they opened their package confirmed it.

easter mugs for grandsons 

As did Mac's effusive comment which, according to Megan, went like this:

"Whoa!! This is amazing!!"

Followed by:

"Gramma really loves us!"

That I certainly do.

And I'm certainly delighted that it took just a few bucks spent on goofy mugs and sour sweets to confirm that for Mac. Hopefully for his older and younger brothers, too.