Grandma kicks the can: Old-time games to teach grandchildren

Remember the long summer days spent outdoors as a child? Riding bikes, exploring the neighborhood, bonding with buddies and doing a whole bunch of nothing — which meant everything at the time. And playing games… Oh, the games!

kids playing outside statue

Today’s kids — meaning our grandkids — likely have no idea what that’s like, considering the screens and overscheduling that prevent many children from just getting out and playing. This summer, give them a taste of old-fashioned fun by sharing some classic games of our youth.

Here are a few of those old-time games to get you started, including rules and all for those of us with, ahem, foggy memories.

Kick the Can (four or more players)

Materials: an empty can and a designated “jail” area

The can is placed in the jail area. One player is chosen as “It” and another to kick the can. The kicker kicks the from the jail area. “It” must retrieve the can, place it back in the jail area, then cover his or her eyes and count out loud to a predetermined number while the other players run and hide. Once “It” completes counting, he or she seeks the other players. When “It” sees another player, he or she races to the can, picks it up, taps it three times and calls out the spotted player’s name and location. If “It” correctly names a player and location, that player must move to the jail area and stay there until “It” catches all the players in the same manner. Once all players are caught, the first one caught becomes “It” in the next round.

Goal: To not be caught.

Sardines (three or more players)

Materials: none

One player is designated as the first sardine. Just like in hide-and-seek, this player hides — while all the other players close their eyes and count to a predetermined number. When those seeking are done counting, they search for the “sardine.” As each player finds the sardine, he or she quietly joins the original sardine, packing themselves together into even the tightest of spaces. (Hence the “Sardines” name.) The last player to find the hiding sardines is the first to hide on the next round.

Goal: To not be the last sardine… or the one giggling so loudly the hiding spot is revealed.

Red Light Green Light (three or more players)

Materials: none

One player is chosen as the “stoplight” and stands with his or her back to the other players. Other players line up side-by-side (arm’s length between) about 10 feet behind the stoplight. The stoplight can say two phrases at his or her whim: “green light” or “red light.” When he or she shouts “green light,” the other players move as quickly as they can toward the stoplight. When the stoplight shouts “red light,” other players must immediately stop as the stoplight turns around to catch those in motion. When players are caught moving during a “red light,” they must return to the starting line.

Goal: Be the first player to tag the stoplight to become the stoplight in the next round.

Capture the Flag (10 or more players)

Materials: two flags; chalk or other markers to designate team boundaries and joint “jail” area

Play area is divided into two even territories (say, back yard and front yard or inside and outside) and players divided into two even teams. Each team hides their flag somewhere in their territory. “Spies” from each team can spy in “enemy” territory for intel on where the flags are hidden, but if captured, they must go to “jail” and are freed only when tagged by a teammate. After the predetermined “flag hiding” time is up, players line up and one designated leader announces “Go!” All players then search for the opposing team’s flag. If an opposing team member tags players in the “enemy” territory, those tagged must go to jail and are freed only when tagged by a teammate.

Goal: Capturing the opposing team’s flag and bringing it to own team’s territory.

These are some of the games I'd like to teach my grandsons this summer. What other games of our youth would you add to the list?

Today's question:

What were your favorite outdoor games as a youth?