Flat Stanley Part II

Long, long ago in the pre-coronavirus days (okay, March 11), I published a post here on Grandma’s Briefs about the super time I had showing Flat Stanley around Colorado Springs. Camden had sent the character to me as part of a school project, with instructions for me to introduce Stanley — and ultimately, Camden’s classroom via a presentation by Camden using all the materials I collected for him — to the highlights of my city.

I did show Stanley the best of the Springs then returned him — and loads of literature and pics of his visit — just as instructed, for Cam to create his presentation.

Then schools closed.

Thanks to the virus.

Just like pretty much every other school in the country.

We all kinda wondered what might become of Stanley and all his Colorado Springs mementos.

Then, just like magic, Camden’s classroom came to life via Zoom sessions with his teacher.

Just like pretty much every other school in the country.

So last week Camden finally shared Stanley’s story of his time in Colorado Springs with his class.

And, just like magic, Megan recorded the presentation Camden gave live from his home, sharing it with me via text message.

What a stellar presentation it was! A presentation that, without the confounding Coronavirus, this long-distance grandma certainly would never have had the privilege of seeing.

Just one more smidgen of silver lining in this virus-y mess we’re muddling through.

Be safe, be well, be on the lookout for the silver lining!