Fun at the park

As much of the country is shivering about now—perhaps even experiencing snow fluttering about to one degree or another—I thought I'd warm you up a bit with some (semi) warm shots of what my grandsons and I did on our last afternoon together in the desert on Tuesday.

Fun at the park with Bubby and Mac:

There was no one there to capture a picture or two of the three of us sliding down the twirly slide together in what we dubbed "the Gramma Train Slide," but you can imagine it was lots of fun for all three of us. You also can imagine Mac saying "gain!" after each time, in hopes we'd board the Gramma train another time or two.

It was a delightful way to end my stay in the desert.

(Note: Because the slide show crops my photos a little funny, you're welcome to view the original pictures—plus a shot of the boys' reaction when a park caretaker arrived on his riding lawnmower—in my Brag Book, if you'd like.)

Today's Christmas-y question:

Which Christmas song's lyrics have you memorized better than any other?