Friday feel-good

Seems that yesterday's post caused many readers to tear up a bit. I offer no apologies for that since I judge the success of a post by how many folks I can make cry shed a few tears myself while reading the comments. Let's just call it even.

Crying now and then can be good for the soul, I've been told, so I appreciate that we can help each other out in such ways now and again.

But, enough crying.

Today I offer up a wee bit of levity for one and all by way of my newly donned holiday briefs on the site banner, a festive holiday poem, and a simple holiday question from "The Christmas Conversation Piece." (Oh, and a laughing holiday horse—or is it gagging?—thrown in, too, just for kicks.) Consider it a Friday feel-good of sorts, simply because I adore alliteration. And because I hope it brings a smile to your soul on this final day of the work week.

Here goes...

Christmas Pie

Lo! now is come our joyfull'st feast!

Let every man be jolly;

Each room with ivy leaves is dressed,

And every post with holly.

Now all our neighbours' chimneys smokes,

And Christmas blocks are burning;

Their ovens they with bakemeats choke,

And all their spits are turning.

Without the door let sorrow lie,

And if for cold it hap to die,

We'll bury it in a Christmas pie,

And ever more be merry.

~ George Wither

photo: stock.xchng

Today's question (from "The Christmas Conversation Piece"):

What is your favorite Christmas sound?