A grandma to review ... and grill

As a blogger who (occasionally) posts book reviews, I often get approached by folks wanting me to read their books. Sometimes I turn down the authors (or PR companies), sometimes I take them up on the offer, and sometimes I ask if I can grill them.

Okay, I've asked only two writers if I could grill them. This week's Grilled Grandma, Carol, is one of those two.

Carol originally e-mailed me in December regarding her book, Who Gets To Name Grandma: The Wisdom of Mothers & Grandmothers. I told her I'd check it her book if she'd let me roast and toast her over hot coals. She agreed. I think I got the better end of the deal, thanks to all the great advice and info included in the book she sent me to review.

For "Who Gets To Name Grandma," Carol says on her blog, "I interviewed 40 mothers and grandmothers and asked them what advice they would like to give to each other and wrote a book about the experience." Carol organized the answers from the interviewees in chapters based on age (newborn through high school) and notes whether the advice came from a mother or a grandmother. Then Carol, aka Granny-Guru, follows up the quotes with sage advice and often humorous anecdotes from her own experience ... plus a bonus box on each filled with "Granny-Guru's Grains of Wisdom."

Although I disagree with some of the "advice" from grandmothers (there's one where the grandmother complains about getting in trouble with the parents when she "spanked my grandchild with a spatula for bad language," and Granny-Guru doesn't take her to task for the act), there are many nuggets o' gold sprinkled throughout. My favorite:

"Life gives feedback. Parents can't, nor should they protect a child from all of it. Where to draw that boundary of when to step in to prevent mistakes and when to allow a child to learn from life will always be a parent's challenge."

Amen to that, Granny-Guru!

Read Grilled Grandma: Carol for an up-close and personal look at this interesting writer. Then visit her website -- a link is included at the end of her grilling -- for more on author Carol Covin, aka Granny-Guru.

Today's question:

What is one adage, quote, piece of advice or nugget of wisdom you turn to again and again ... and/or share with others again and again? For example, one of my favorites is "The key to patience is finding something to do in the meantime."