The next Grilled Grandma

This is the Christmas Eve Eve edition of Grilled Grandmas and I'm happy to feature Verna.

Verna's kids live overseas and across the country from her, proudly serving our country.

And they have her grandchildren with them.

Which means Verna gets to hug her grandbabies only about once a year!

Sheesh! I complain about seeing Bubby only every other month, so kudos to Verna for being such a strong -- and sweet -- grandma!

Check out Verna's grilling here.

And, as always, let me know of any grandmas you'd like to see grilled by sending me their first name and e-mail address.

On another note: Keep in mind that the deadline for the Friday Haiku Contest is tonight, due to Christmas being Friday. Be sure to enter your haiku here to be in the running for an offbeat prize from the antique stash. The winner will be announced tomorrow.

And ...

Today's question from "The Christmas Conversation Piece":

If you could Christmas shop until you drop in any one store, which store would you choose?

I would choose Barnes & Noble or any other bookstore. Actually, if I could just shop on for all the books my heart desires -- without having to worry about the "until you drop" part since I'd be sitting down the whole time -- that would be even better! My one addiction in life is buying books -- for myself and others!