Mosh-pit Mom, or, How Grandma's career got its start

Mosh-pit Mom, or, How Grandma's career got its start

My writing career and where it's headed have been on my mind a lot lately.

So, too, has been where my writing career began.

mosh-pit mom

I've written and fantasized about being a writer for as long as I can remember. It wasn't until nearly 20 years ago, though, that I became...

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My husband's mistress, then and now

When my husband and I first started dating, he had a mistress. Their relationship continued even once Jim and I were married. He simply could not give her up, and he definitely could not keep his hands off her.

child with guitar

She had no name — even way back then Jim and I felt the same regarding...

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Our first family computer, 1994

Throw Back Thursday

It was 1994 — nearly 20 years ago — that Jim managed to land a used computer from work, one to bring home for the family to marvel over and use on a daily basis.

Andrea plays solitaire like a modern girl, Sept. 1994We felt so modern, so plugged in — literally plugged in, with a dial-up modem and all. And oh, the options! We had not only the ability to use 5-1/4-inch floppy disks, our high-tech hand-me-down featured the more up-to-date drive for the not-quite-as-floppy 3-1/2-inch disks, too.

At the start we could access only the public library. Even then, though — months before we signed up for Prodigy — the FTP access to more information than I ever imagined possible absolutely blew. my. mind.

No more Smith Corona word processor for me. I had a computer!

Today's question:

When did you get your first computer and what was your first Internet service?

Crafts with kids, 1986 and 2014

Throwback Thursday

October 1986
Craft time with my two-year-old daughter, Megan:

child doing crafts

February 2014
Craft time with Megan's two- and five-year-old sons, Mac and Bubby:

boys doing crafts

Today's question:

What do you do with your grandchildren that you fondly recall doing with their parent(s)?

Grandpa Jerry, 1986

My stepdad, Jerry, would have been 76 years old today if he hadn't passed away May 29, 1995.

I love this photo of him and my mom — whom many of you know here as Ann — from a December 1986 holiday celebration.

my stepdad 1986

He was a good man.

Happy birthday, Grandpa Jerry — as he was (and still is) known to my girls.

Today's fill-in-the-blank:

The thing I loved most about 1986 was _____________.

Disneyland 1994

Dear readers: "Throwback Thursday" (#TBT) is a popular Internet meme. This is my first time participating... and I just might continue (#TBD).

I recently shared with you photos of my grandsons' visit to Disneyland and the beach with their mom and dad just after Christmas.

The throwback part: Twenty years ago this week, our three daughters made the very same visit with Jim and me, as you can see here (along with my big hair and mom jeans and Jim's...

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