Grilled Grandma: Marion

How many children do you have? 2

How many grandchildren? What are their ages? 1 grandson - 23 months

Any great grandchildren? No!

What do your grandchildren call you? I'm planning on Grandma but so far its Mamama

After the initial elation, what was your first concern upon hearing you would soon be a grandmother? I just hoped the baby would be healthy.

How often do you get to see your grandchildren? About 5 times a week

What is the best thing about being a grandma? My grandson loves and I love spending time with him. It is wonderful to read, play with toys and go to the playground in the park. I love it all!

What is the most challenging part of being a grandma? My daughter reminds me all the time that she is the mother and she gets to decide EVERYTHING. Bummer when I don't agree.

Describe a recent time that one (or more) of your grandchildren made you laugh out loud. My grandson will sometimes belly laugh at something he thinks is funny and that makes me laugh out loud too.

What is your favorite thing to do with grandchildren who visit your house? Read and play with blocks or a puzzle at the table and chairs we bought for him.

What is your favorite thing to do when visiting grandchildren at their house? Read

How do you maintain the bond between yourself and your grandchildren between visits? We see him often enough so that this is not an issue.

What do you most want to pass along to your grandchildren? Good values, that he is loved and the importance of family.

What is one word you hope your grandkids think of when they think of you? Love

What is one thing you wish you had learned earlier as a grandparent? Too early for this question - I am still learning everything.

What one bit of advice would you give a new grandma? Don't criticize parents too much - they are very sensitive and want to ascertain their authority. Don't let that become an issue.

Be sure to visit Marion's blog, The Grandma Chronicles and "Like" her on The Grandma Chronicles Facebook page, too.