Care for yourself: 16 ways grandparents should follow their own advice

We grandparents regularly show love and encouragement to our grandchildren. Yet how often do we turn that steady flow of love and encouragement on ourselves? If you're like me, not often.

Time for that to change.

Following are sixteen ways to nurture and care for yourself in ways you likely encourage your grandchildren to care for and about their selves.

boy walking dog
young boy doing homework
toddler brushing teeth
napping toddler
boy wearing owl mask
boys with iPad
boys licking baking bowls
toddlers reading books
boy dancing
toddler and golden retriever
brothers making silly faces
boys exploring trail
toddler with remote control
toddler giving raspberry
boy kissing little brother
toddler with first birthday cake

Today's question:

Which do you regularly do and which do you find hardest?