Final preorder push: ‘100 Things I Love About Grandma’

Publication day is on the way!

Yes, next Tuesday, December 7, my second book, A Love Journal: 100 Things I Love About Grandma, goes on sale, and I could not be more excited!

I gotta say, grandma friends, you just may want to share this post with the parents of your grandkiddos. Reason being, this journal is THE perfect keepsake gift for grandmas to receive from their grandchildren.

No need to take my word for it. Other grandmas, who received early copies for review, agree. Take a look at what Grandma Joyce from had to say.

And Nana Teresa from

As well as this heartwarming review from Grandma Pam.

(Not to mention the kind and flattering endorsements of the book from grandmas Joy and Nina—along with Teresa and Joyce—on the Amazon page for the book.)

Bottom line: Take it from my grandma friends that A Love Journal: 100 Things I Love About Grandma truly does make a grand gift for every grandma.

And take it from me there is no better time for those purchasing the journal as a gift to order it than right now. For two reasons:

Reason No.1
By preordering right now, 100 Things I Love About Grandma should arrive as soon as it “officially” goes on sale on Tuesday. Which provides plenty of time for grandkids to ponder the prompts and complete the pages in time for holiday giving.

Reason No. 2
Preorders have a direct impact on a book’s launch day. A high number of presales on Amazon signals to other retailers that the book is in high demand—which is super helpful for sales going forward as more retailers will stock and sell the book. So if anyone you know happens to be considering purchasing a copy once it’s on sale, I would love it if they would preorder now instead of waiting until the official sale date, by clicking RIGHT HERE to preorder the book.

Thank you in advance for appreciating my preorder plea! Thank you even more for encouraging others to preorder now.

Cheers, friends! I look forward to hearing some of the sentiments shared by your sweet—or silly, or sometimes sour—grandkids in your very own holiday (or any other day) gift of A Love Journal: 100 Things I Love About Grandma.