Grilled Grandma: Grandma Terry

Grilled Grandma: Grandma Terry

How many children do you have?  I have two grown children – Sara (42) and Tom (46)

How many grandchildren? What are their ages? My daughter, Sara has one child, Sophia age 14 and Tom has 3 children, Lorenzo (14), Lily (11) and Elias (3 ½)

Any great grandchildren? No

What do your grandchildren call you? I actually decided on what I wanted to be called when…

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Grilled Grandma: Grandma Holly

Grilled Grandma: Grandma Holly

How many children do you have? 
Two daughters and two sons-in-law, who are really sons

How many grandchildren? What are their ages?
Five. Three girls and two boys
From oldest daughter: Scott age 7 and Charlotte age 5
From younger daughter: Peyton age 8, Brendan age 3, and Cameron age 20 months

What do your grandchildren call you?

After the initial elation, what was your first concern upon hearing you would soon be a grandmother?
That my daughter and granddaughter would both be ok, as my daughter had recently suffered a pulmonary embolism.

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Grilled Grandma: Grandma Amy

Grilled Grandma: Grandma Amy

How many children do you have?
Two. One daughter and one son.

How many grandchildren? What are their ages?
One grandchild, 7 months old

Any great grandchildren? No

What do your grandchildren call you?
She's too little to call me anything yet, but I'm hoping she will call me "Mamy" The "M" for "mother" in front of my name "Amy"

After the initial elation, what was your first concern upon hearing you would soon be a grandmother?
Honestly, another...

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Grilled Grandma: Grammy Dee

Grilled Grandma: Grammy Dee

How many children do you have?
I am the mother of 2 wonderful children! 

How many grandchildren?
I have 2 precious grandbabies!

Any great grandchildren?

What do your grandchildren call you?

After the initial elation, what was your first concern upon hearing you would soon be a grandmother?
I just hoped and prayed...

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Grilled Grandma: Grandma Teresa

Grilled Grandma: Grandma Teresa

How many children do you have? 
I have one beautiful daughter and two handsome sons. 

How many grandchildren? What are their ages?
I have six grandchildren and a seventh on the way! My oldest two live in California - my grandson is 14 and my granddaughter is 12. The other four live 20 minutes away — 2 boys, ages 1 and 4, and 2 girls, ages 3 and 7, plus another boy due the end of May.

Any great grandchildren? 
No great grandchildren yet, thank goodness!

What do your grandchildren call you?
They all call me Grandma.

After the initial elation, what was your first concern upon hearing you would soon be a grandmother?
I received a package from my daughter one day and when I opened it there were two...

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