Grandma's Briefs

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Grandma and her briefs turn 5

♪ They say it's your birthday! ♪

blog anniversary

It's not my birthday. Today is, though, the five-year blogiversary of Grandma's Briefs.

Five years ago today — July 25, 2009 — I kicked off this bloggy venture with this post here.

Since then, I've shared some good, some bad and some just plain confounding aspects of life's second act.

When Grandma's Briefs first went live, Bubby was my only grandson. Then along came Mac and, more recently, Jak. I've crossed my fingers you wouldn't tire of reading of my love for (and the antics of) the incredible little critters who light up my life and Jim's from 800+ miles away.

Along with featuring my grandbabies, I've thrown a variety of features your way. Some have been successful (114 GRAND Socials so far!)... and some not so much so.

I've also shared recipes, reviews, and Grilled Grandmas, too (the latter being something I'm happy to share any time, so if you want to be grilled, just let me know). And I most recently started sharing travel info with you, as well.

I have thoroughly and sincerely enjoyed sharing my stories and successes with you. And failures, too.

And I've genuinely, wholeheartedly, appreciated the similar stories and more you've shared in return.

Mostly, though, I've enjoyed the people I've met along the way — meaning YOU.

Because it's you, dear readers friends — grandmothers and others! — who make this site what it is. Who befriend not only me, but one another. Who support one another. Who help make the grandparent presence online be taken seriously. And who help get grandmas — and grandpas, too — out of the box and recognized as the vital and vibrant beings we are not only online, but in our families, our communities, our world.

I think that's pretty darn awesome.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart. For reading, for caring, for commenting. For simply showing up.

Cheers to you! And cheers to five more years with you!

~ Lisa