Grandma's Briefs

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11+ things grandmas do when no one else wants to or can (2020 edition)

Several years ago I wrote a post on things grandmas do when others won’t. Upon publishing that, many experienced grandmas commented with additional tasks to add to the list.

I’ve intended to update that post to include those comments for quite some time and have simply never gotten around to it. But considering the amount of spare time Covid restrictions have afforded most of us, I’ve finally done it.

Here now, with grandma contributions sprinkled throughout, are …

ONE Change a stinky diaper...every stinkin' time.

TWO Willingly leave the theater with the fussy baby during a family outing to a movie she's been looking forward to for three months.

Watch her do amazing made up dances.
—Grandma Sally

THREE Attempt making a birthday cake in the shape of the birthday child's favorite television or movie character despite never having seen the show. And succeed to the delight of her grandchild—thanks to Google...and Wilton cake pans.

Pick up our granddaughter from dance lessons and afterschool activities so she can participate in those activities because her daycare provider cannot do it and both parents work
—Grandma Debbie

FOUR Call in sick to work to cover babysitting duty when a grandchild comes down with the flu and can't go to school.

Grandmas will eat lots of 'baby burger' buns (old school A & W) so their Grand One can have the 'meat' patty.
—Grandma Cherry

FIVE Be the one to give grandchildren socks, underwear and other necessities at gift-giving time. Along with other more desirable gifts, too, of course.

Go to fast food restaurants and arcades and other places I would never willingly go on my own.
—Grandma Susan

SIX Squirt the saline solution in and suck the snot out of a little one's congested nose.

Grandma's will get up in the middle of the night and go over and babysit (sleep on the couch) so that Daddy can take Mommy to the ER and get back before someone even wakes up!
—Grandma Kc

SEVEN Rise to the occasion when a pint-sized pooper announces from another room, "I'm done...I need wiped."

Grandmas play games or read books, over and over, and never get tired or bored doing it!
—Grandma Pat

EIGHT Clean up a child's spit up—and later, the vomit—without complaining...or gagging.

Make emergency runs to store/pharmacy as needed for Pedialyte, Popsicles, medicine, vaporizer, etc. etc. Make emergency run back to pharmacy to return vaporizer when told humidifier was needed instead.
—Nonnie Kelly

NINE Whip up new dinner options when the original ones are refused by a fussy toddler. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we grandmas know the drill, but the poor kid can't go to bed hungry.

Buy pretty clothes with fancy name brands when mom says they are too expensive.
—Grandma Kathy

TEN Take the baby's temperature when the digital thermometer batteries are dead and Mom has never had to do it the rectal old-fashioned way.

PIck up the tab at a restaurant or, even better, a hotel, if mom is lucky!
—Grandma Tina

ELEVEN Make a grandchild's Halloween costume from scratch—and do such a bang-up job she's recruited and agrees to be costume designer for the school's annual holiday program.

Any you’d like to add? Please share in the comments!