Grandma's Briefs

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The makings of a Grand Adventure

Last week I revealed the signs that 2016 would surely be my year. Already, it's shaping up to be exactly that thanks to an upcoming, all-new experience I recently added to the last week of my January 2016 calendar.

I've known for a couple weeks now, but I've been a little leery of sharing publicly as it seemed a wee bit too good to be true. I'm still a little leery — despite plans officially in place — so I shall present it to you piecemeal in hopes of not jinxing anything.

My big reveal, a little at a time:

What do you get when you take an adorable seven-year-old...

seven year old 

plus a wacky four-year-old...

four year old boy 

along with their precious — and precocious — 18-month-old brother...

18 month old boy

Add one pretty mommy...

 pretty mom

plus one daring grandma...


Then put them all on a plane together — after Gramma flies solo from the mountains to hook up with them in the desert — and send them off into the friendly skies ...

airplane in sky 

then hours later drop off the excited travelers in Orlando?

Well, you get...

A Grand Adventure at Walt Disney World!


That's right! I've been invited by Disney to take my grandsons — along with Megan, of course (I'm not that daring to attempt going it alone with three wild and wacky boys!) — on a four-day, three-night adventure to the happiest place on Earth. All courtesy Disney!


See why I worry about jinxing things? What an unbelievable invitation for an incredible, no, GRAND adventure!

Now that I've at last publicly spilled the beans, I plan to share more in the next few weeks... including lots of photos of the fun as well as tons of tips I'll surely learn — hopefully not the hard way — regarding grandparents and grandkids visiting Walt Disney World together.

Stay tuned!

Today's question:

What tips might you have regarding visiting Walt Disney World — with grandkids or not?