Grandma's Briefs

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Spring is springing

Happy April!

Spring is springing up all around my yard and making me smile. Trees are budding, plants are popping, and—best of all—my daffodils are blooming!

This is the first year I’ve had daffodils, and I’m absolutely delighted they bloomed, because I wasn’t sure they would. These aren’t just any daffodils, they’re from bulbs I planted from a beautiful vase of daffodils I received as a gift last spring from my youngest daughter, Andrea. She had presented them to me in celebration of the publication of my very first book, a lovely acknowledgement of my accomplishment. Thank you again, Andie, for the thoughtful gift that keeps on giving (and hopefully will for years to come). ♥

I’d love to hear how spring is springing up at your place.