Grandma's Briefs

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Last resort for a long-distance grandma


I can usually go about two months without seeing my grandsons before the loneliness takes hold.

I didn't make it two months this time.

I last saw my grandsons near the end of January. Yesterday, missing my boys got the best of me.

Which means I'm a couple weeks short of the two-month mark.

Thank heavens for my obsessive picture taking when I'm with Bubby, Mac, and Jak. My family thinks I have a picture-taking problem. I just think I have the wisdom to know even the least eventful, most everyday happenings sort of photos will get me through the rough patches of this long-distance grandma gig.

I'm right. Despite knowing the boys—especially Jak—have grown and changed quite a bit since these photos were taken, they got me through*:

I have hundreds more everyday shots taken during my January visit that I've not shared here. They provide another last-resort batch to scroll through when my heart longs for the adorable little turds known as Bubby, Mac, and Jak.

I have no doubt I'll resort to such; my next visit isn't scheduled until May.

Again, thank heavens I'm an obsessive picture taker. Problem or not.

*If you want to see the full photos—not cropped funky for the slideshow—you'll find them all here in my brag book.

Today's question:

What "gets you through" between visits with grandchildren or other loved ones?