Grandma's Briefs

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How Benjamin rolls!

Saturday was Jim’s birthday, and Brianna and Patrick arranged a family gathering at a new burger spot in town in recognition of burgers being Jim’s forever favorite food.

It was great to have all our local immediate family in attendance:

From left: Tyler (Allen’s 17-year-old son), Allen (Andrea’s boyfriend), Andrea, James, Brianna, Patrick holding Benjamin, me, and Jim.

Kudos to Tyler for managing to get a shot that included everyone at the table!

While we were all gathered together to celebrate Jim, we soon were raucously regaling Benjamin for a milestone move made right before our eyes.

See, soon after most of us were through eating, Benjamin was bordering on going bananas—tired of being held or stuck in his seat—and needed to stretch out. So Patrick cleared a spot on the table, and Benjamin stretched.

And then, for the very first time, Benjamin rolled over! Completely, not getting mucked up and settling to lie on his side rather than complete the challenge as he’s been doing for weeks.

Benjamin’s milestone move surprised us all—and clearly completely cracked up big brother James to witness.

‘Twas grand celebration for one and all!