Grandma's Briefs

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Renaissance grandma

This week's Grilled Grandma, Deanna, does it all. She writes. She's a photographer. She does all the grandma things grandmas do. And she does them all well.

Yep, a true Renaissance grandma, if you ask me. But that's not what stands out the most to me about Deanna. There's something about each grandma I grill that touches my heart, and although Deanna writes (which I like to do) and takes photos (which I wish I could do better), it's not our commonalities that most moved me when reading Deanna's responses to my Grilled Grandma questions. It was this:

Other than the initial elation, what was your first concern upon hearing you would be a grandmother? The day my grandmother died was the same day I found out I was going to become a Grandmother myself … I cried with sadness one moment and then tears of excitement the next moment … Bitter/sweet.

Truly bittersweet. I can (thankfully) only imagine.

Please read Grilled Grandma: Deanna. Then head on over to check out the precious children's book she's written for her granddaughter, for which links are included at the bottom of her grilling.

Today's (unrelated) question:

Of all the outfits you currently own, describe the one that makes you feel like your best "you".